Introducing Vanity AI from MARZ, the World’s First End-to-End AI Solution for Hollywood VFX


Television storylines have never been more ambitious, and viewer expectations have never been higher. With the growth of content, VFX capacity shortages are plaguing the industry, timelines are condensed, and budgets are being stretched thin. As a hybrid of an AI start-up and a VFX studio, MARZ has a unique appreciation for these challenges — we’ve experienced them, and have also felt the pain of our Hollywood clients. 

Inspired to solve these challenges for the industry at large, we launched MARZ in 2018 with a simple premise: to democratize VFX through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). 

While the term “democratize” gets thrown around loosely, for us, it has a very specific meaning. It means building products that are affordable, unbelievably fast, and on-demand, and that deliver feature-film-quality results. 

That’s why we developed Vanity AI, the first automated, end-to-end AI solution for Hollywood VFX, developed by some of the brightest minds in machine learning, computer graphics, computer vision, and VFX.


What Is Vanity AI?


Vanity AI brings together generative AI, computer graphics, and computer vision to make VFX scalable for the first time.

Vanity AI empowers VFX teams to deliver large volumes of 2D aging, de-aging, and cosmetic fixes 300 times faster than the current state of the art. 

Even better? It’s a production-ready solution for issues currently impacting the entertainment industry, including global VFX artist shortages, heightened quality expectations, and condensed timelines and production budgets. 

Goodbye, vaporware. Hello, faster, cheaper, on-demand cosmetic VFX.

How Does Vanity AI Work?

With Vanity AI, creating a feature-film-caliber shot is as simple as adjusting sliders, using Shot Control, on a single frame.

Using Vanity AI, traditional high-quality cosmetic work happens in minutes, not days, with output and consistency that will delight Hollywood.

By the Numbers: The Power of Vanity AI

To date, Vanity AI has been used by the internal MARZ VFX team on more than 27 Hollywood productions, saving clients roughly $8 million in costs and shaving nearly 100 weeks off production schedules for films and television shows including Spider-Man: No Way Home, Stranger Things (S4), Gaslit, First Ladies, Being the Ricardos, and others for studios such as Marvel, Disney, Apple TV, Netflix, AMC, and NBC Universal.

And now, the power of Vanity AI is available to other VFX teams and artists as a service.

Book a Vanity AI Demo

Are you ready to experience the power of Vanity AI?

Daniel Delfino